Iceberg Lettuce
Iceberg lettuce has two truly redeeming qualities. Its tightly bound and broadly shaped leaves are thick-walled and concentrated with more water than virtually any other green. What iceberg lettuce may lack in flavor it makes up for in its lip-smacking succulence and crunchiness.

Cos Lettuce
Cos lettuce is the most upright growing of all lettuce types. Its heavily ridged leaves grow erectly and tightly to form an elongated head. Its outer leaves, rich in chlorophyl have lime colors while its inner leaves are yellow to creamy.

Baby Cos
Baby cos is a special variety of cos lettuce that has been bred for its sweet flavour and attractive green crisp leaves. Being Baby it is a lot younger than traditional cos lettuce and is an ideal size for using in sandwiches. Available in a convenient twin pack it is sure to become a family favourite.

Butter Lettuce
Butter lettuce is the benchmark butterhead variety, providing superior texture and flavor. Its broad wavy green outer leaves encompass more tightly bound and yellow tinted inner leaves. Together they form a rosette of leaves that have sweet, nutty and mild flavors paired with textures both buttery and crispy.

Green Coral Lettuce
Coral lettuce has quite tightly crinkled leaves, resembling coral in shape. The leaves are soft and delicate to touch.

Green Oak Lettuce
As its name suggests, green oak leaf lettuce has the appearance of oak leaves – lobed and loosely serrated. The leaves form a semi-tight rosette, growing upward and outward. Green oak leaf lettuce has a buttery texture and an incredibly mellow, nutty and sweet flavor, which rarely becomes bitter, even in hotter climates.

Minuette Lettuce
It is most often grown as a leaf vegetable. It is eaten either raw, notably in salads, sandwiches, hamburgers, tacos, and many other dishes, or cooked, as in Chinese cuisine in which the stem becomes just as important as the leaf.

Red Coral Lettuce
Coral lettuce has quite tightly crinkled leaves, resembling coral in shape. The leaves are soft and delicate to touch.

Red Oak Lettuce
Obviously named for its oak leaf-shaped leaves, this attractive autumn-colored lettuce offers tender and very tasty leaves.

Radicchio is an Italian salad plant related to chicory. The distinctive plant grows in a rich maroon color with white veins and has a peppery flavor that adds a textural bite to salads. Radicchio is sometimes grilled or roasted, making a pleasant counterpoint to other grilled vegetables.