The part we eat is from the immature flower bud. If the buds or “globes” are not harvested, six inch bluish thistle-like flower heads develop. The edible portion of the “globe” is composed of the fleshy bases of the flower bracts and the receptacle to which the bracts are attached, known as the “heart”.

Broccoli is a green vegetable (Brassica oleracea var. italica) in the flowering plant family Brassicaceae (formerly Cruciferae), characterized by fleshy green flower heads arranged in a tree-like fashion on branches sprouting from a thick, edible stalk.

Broccolini has spear-shaped, thin and tender vibrant green stems with lengths that rarely exceed six inches long. The head is a loose small cluster of florets that resemble broccoli rabe. Compared to common broccoli, the flavor of Broccolini is understated, mild, peppery and subtlely sweet. The entire plant is edible.

Red beets are made up of both an edible root and edible leaves, 10-12 inch red and green leafy stems ascend from red beet’s ruby red, smooth, bulbous root. Small or medium beets are generally more tender than larger ones. As beets have the highest sugar content of any vegetable, their flavor is typically sweet.

Carrot Loose 20kg – Mid to bright orange skin and flesh , tops removed , firm with relatiely smooth skin , long conical in shape with a slightly sweet taste

Carrot Bag
Carrot prepack 20kg – mid to bright orange skin and flesh , tops removed , firm smooth skin , long conical in shape with a slightly sweet taste . Slightly smaller than the medium loose carrot packed in 1kg bags.

Cauliflower is made up of tightly bound clusters of florets that form a dense head, similar to that of broccoli.The stems and trunk are firm and tender and the florets have a dense yet soft and crumbly texture. Its flavor is mild with subtle cruciferous and nutty sweet nuances. The entire cauliflower, its leaves, trunk, stems and florets are all edible.

Green Capsicum
Green peppers, along with the yellow, orange and red varieties, are members of the bell pepper family. Even though the culinary world considers them to be vegetables, bell peppers are actually fruits from the species Capsicum annum.

Red Capsicum
Red peppers, along with the yellow, orange and green varieties, are members of the bell pepper family. Even though the culinary world considers them to be vegetables, bell peppers are actually fruits from the species Capsicum annuum.

Yellow Capsicum
Yellow peppers, along with the red, orange and green varieties, are members of the bell pepper family. Even though the culinary world considers them to be vegetables, bell peppers are actually fruits from the species Capsicum annuum.

Celery grows to a height of 12 to 16 inches and is composed of leaf-topped stalks arranged in a conical shape that are joined at a common base.

Corn grows in “ears,” each of which is covered in rows of kernels that are then protected by the silk-like threads called “corn silk” and encased in a husk.

Baby Corn
Baby corn is eaten both raw and cooked. Baby corn is most common in Asian cuisine. In Thai cookbooks, it is referred to as candle corn.

Lebanese Cucumber
This is a sweet variety of cucumber with dark green, thin skin. Its flesh is crisp and pale and has tiny seeds.

Telegraph Cucumber
This is the most popular cucumber and is grown under glass. It is long, usually about 30-45cm, and is often individually wrapped in plastic. This is because it has a very soft skin that is easily damaged.

Eggplant is a tear-shaped, usually purple-black vegetable. Its fleshy and substantive texture makes it a good replacement for meat. Asian eggplant, a more slender variety, is typically sweeter.

Baby Eggplant
Usually sweeter, the finer flesh of this young member of the eggplant family is very tender and contains less seeds than larger varieties. The flavor it offers is subtle with a melting consistency. Considered a fruit, eggplant is cooked and eaten like a vegetable.

Much like a licorice-flavored celery, fennel is crisp and crunchy with a pronounced flavor when raw. Cooked fennel has a much milder anise flavor and a soft, not stringy texture.

Baby Fennel
Much like a licorice-flavored celery, fennel is crisp and crunchy with a pronounced flavor when raw. Cooked fennel has a much milder anise flavor and a soft, not stringy texture.
is typically sweeter.

Root vegetable ginger is known for its distinct taste and medicinal uses , it has a distinct flavour , sharp , sweet but spicy.

Leeks will not form bulbs or produce cloves like their cousins, but instead develop an edible, 6 – 10 inch-long, round stem that can measure 2 inches in diameter.

Parsnips resembles and is a member of the carrot family, but less firm. They have a white-creamy skin and have a strong anise flavour. Parsnip is a native European vegetable and is not grown in warm climates, since frost is necessary to develop their flavour.

Larger than the turnip and with a rough skin that is partly tan and partly purple, the swede’s unpolished appearance belies its fine texture and distinctive, sweet tasting flesh.

The shape of the zucchini depends on the species of the plant. They can be oblong and thin in the case of the Black Beauty variety. They can also be round, which is true for the Ronde de Nice type.